Tassels!! Aren’t they so cute?! Tassels can be added to so many different projects whether you crochet, knit, sew or…. don’t! Pillows, blankets, purses and bags, keychains, earrings- the list goes on!! Knowing how to create your own tassels means you can have the exact look you want to complete your project whatever it may be.
Follow along and I’ll show you just how easy it is to create tassels!

First- you will need to cut strips of yarn or thread into even pieces. Using a book, a dvd case, a strip of cardboard cut to size; any of these options will all make your cutting a breeze.

Wrap the yarn around your preferred template until you have the desired thickness of tassel you’re looking for.

Now cut through each strand of yarn along one side. Here I like to use the groove in the DVD case and I’m able to cut all of the strands in one or two clips.

Line all of your strands up so that they are even (close is good enough) and fold them in half to find the center. Cut another strand of yarn and tie it tightly around all of the strands at the center point.

To form the head of your tassel: cut another strip of yarn and wrap it around the folded strands. Tie it tightly at the desired point; higher for a smaller head, lower for a larger head.

To create a beaded look you can tie a second strand a little lower, just like in the step before.

To hide the knot you can simply wrap the tails around the tassel leaving enough tail to hide. Hide the tails by threading onto a yarn needle and feeding it down through the center of the tassel.

Trim off any excess yarn to get your desired length and even out your tassel.
And that’s it!! You can make tassels in any size and any color! Add beads or leave them as is! I can’t wait to see what projects you’ll be adding your tassels to!

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